Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Modeling”
Input Parameters
This is just a quick overview of the major parameters and measurements provided by NOAA that get pulled into the model. There are a few different sources for these parameters, though in the end the sources all have pretty much the same data.
Time Timestamp Data is generally provided in Track datasets, where each set of measurements has a corresponding timestamp. Includes Year, Month, Day, Hour, and often Minute, but hour is the primary resolution measurements are usually at 6 hour intervals, but sometimes interim measurements are made for large or notables storms Models tend to interpolate between time steps for more uniform coverage Position and Movement Position Provided as a Lat/Lng, to a 10th of a degree resolution Range: 90W-90E, 90S-90N Most NOAA products provide this in the format 1234E, 5678S.